Excerpts from the Speech of Ms. Cristina Schwander

I have had the pleasure of founding many organizations but I have never done it just alone by myself. I believe leadership as a trait. To be a leader is to bring change, is to open path, is to have the courage of doing what no one else did, is to break walls, open bridges and doors and it is the leaders that are the ones that are changing the world today. And I think these have been changing and evolving during the years. I have been a part of several organizations during these years and I have the pleasure of watching and observing how leadership has been changing during these years.

Before leadership was based on authority and position. Now I see managers being coaches, I see managers seek to empower their people. A leader for an organization should have these qualities. First of all a leader should have knowledge, should know himself, which are my fears,weaknesses, insecurities, needs. Second they must have self-control, should be able to handle themselves. Then, social awareness, being able to handle emotions and connecting with people.

We all know that we all have neurons and we can feel what other people feel. There are emotions that can nurture others. There are some emotions that are full of magic, one of those is laughter and a smile. It is scientifically proven that when we laugh with our whole body there is a powerful thing happening in our brain. Leaders have a huge responsibility with their emotions because when they share, they inspire. The emotions of the leader are contagious. Everyone looks up to them. An organization that is based on fear or anxiety will never grow.

So I believe that harmony in the organization has to do with this emotional harmony and it is proven that 90% of the success in the organization has to do with the relationship in the organization. Every conversation has to do with two ingredients. First of all to be open and the second, to be yourself. Be open to change. And like in every conversation to listen and to speak. To listen is not the same as to hear, to listen is to hear and also feel, interpret and much more. And here is a line that I love and it says, "The sublime secret of listening is to listen properly"

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