Excerpts from the Speech of Ms Claire Chiang  CEO & Co- Founder, Banyan Tree Group

I am going to try to summarise some of my main points instead of using my presentation. but I think, what I have heard so far, the whole morning has been just wonderful stories, and everytime I come to a conference like this one, I feel uplifted, because every tale is such an inspiration.

It is always about women overcoming the struggles and finding opportunities & transcending their fear, and always coping with resilience, always finding possibilities and fulfilling promises. I think this capacity to crystallise our passion and make them to ideas and then develop programs, it is really my focus and I feel it is our focus in what I think is building resilient communities. I am a student of Development & plural, always agonised over their contradictions we have seen around the conflicting ideas on development, progress on the contradiction between capital labour, between gender, between prophets injustice. It is a broken system especially when I read the statistics, It hasn't changed, we still have 1/3rd of our world’s children under the age of 5 suffer from malnutrition and unidentified AIDS victims live in developing countries that we all belong to. So, this is a broken world. What can we do? Do we give up?

I feel that we instead of waiting for our political leaders, I feel that on our own we should look into our heritage and our roots, we should look into the strength of being women and looking at shaping capitalism a new model. And the model I am going to propose is on Communitarian capitalism. That I believe is an Asian form of Ethical world - where the interest of the community, of stakeholders in the enterprise, therefore it means owners, employers, customers, the suppliers and of course the larger community would be higher consideration than the shareholders. This model of being stakeholder driven & not shareholder driven will be characterised by collectivism, public - private partnership, ethics, family businesses, inclusiveness, integrity, transparency, honesty. Now, these I feel are quite the qualities those women are set for. Hence this century is the women’s century to shape the business order or moral order to drive capitalism. And therein I think lies the promise of business. Now what do I do as the co-founder of the Banyan Tree, how do I walk the talk? This morning we asked about what are the leadership qualities, so I reflect, what can I does that makes a difference. I as a leader, have to walk the talk. So, what I did was set up a management infrastructure to walk the talk, by having champions in our 37 hotels. We have about 12,000 associates. The first lesson they all learn is CSR - Corporate Social Responsibility. It has to be values that drive profits. What is the purpose and meaning of all this - what is wealth for? What is purpose of my leadership & working so hard? It is not to get more, extra dollar? Yes, it is also then how do I use the extra dollar. It is now how to get business from A to B, but is the whole engagement process of how I do my business and that is where I have to fall back on values. And I really liked yesterday when we started off by talking about rice. And I feel that the purpose & meaning for me in doing business, it’s about planting rice, it’s so basic. Why rice? Signifies resilience, integration, connectivity, and empowerment! Rice! And that seems to go back to what we hope to achieve as a woman! And also for me, every year we do a number of programs - till today we have planted more than 350,000 trees in the world. And we have also supported and mentored 74 teenage children and we set up social enterprise in Vietnam, and we are going to do one in Phuket and following in China.

Women, I feel have the responsibility to stay in the power center. We cannot quit and we should not quit. After all the men just said, our H.H to dominate and only to stay as power center, whether at home/work/politics/courtrooms. It is so important that we do not go to war, not to battle but to continue to work the partnership model. We take a slower time, but we will get there. So, we must not quit and at our own time, at our own pace, all the young women that are here - there are life stages that we all go through. At every stage, as long as we don't quit, we learn to Marshall the resources, to leverage technology, resources & all the good qualities around us to create the difference. And that finding the fit is really a part of the exercise of self alignment and discovery. It is really asking who you are, what do you want most and how do you align that to what you think society wants, society needs to shape that better world. So lean in and do not quit.

Lastly it’s about our need in our own hearts as women, as individuals and as leaders to constantly look at exercising choice & exercising personal control. Dont let others say what you ought to do. Ask yourself what is it, that you, yourself want. How do you want to act?

And therefore the mission for me in my life is - I think, I plan and I just do it. In my conclusion, this is my hope for this conference - that women will sharpen our powerful minds, for me that stands for searching for meaning, that mindfulness to innovate and then to network, and to find decisions in a dynamic way. And I think all these qualities, women are so good at. We, execute that mindfulness to make it all happen. And here we are in creating multiple rings of interests and interest groups, collectively working together towards a greater good. I see the tapestry of colors and I am not bothered about the different nationalities we all belong to. Because for me, we are in that all oneness, and that is where we should aim at. There are lots of problems out there and sometimes they are huge. But there are solutions, if we will look at it and we work at it.

We don’t want to work alone, and we need to be with men and more about being in community. Communion is more about shared vision like H.H. Gurudev said earlier. We need to develop the shared vision where we work together in communion, in order to achieve the what we see as the goals of community. So we celebrate the women in the committee, we do not wish to argue that we are better than you, the men, but we certainly think that we are not worse! And I think the programs that I have read in the booklet on the 6x6 travel men, I would like to be involved in, I also would like to be involved with the Vishalakshi award, I would like to be involved in the other programs like Gift A Smile, and all others. I think all these are good programs that together, as collective, we can scale up and create an impact, the same that I am doing in Shure foster program in Singapore, trying to build a Shure Foster circle so that we could align their circle with the programs in India, and Jordon or anywhere else where the women leaders like us can create their impact.

And last, on the practical tips, this is my response, I did not have a chance to listen to honorary Shirish Soni. As for practical tips for the husbands, I am married for 37 years, I have got 3 children, 2 of them are married, so I think I have the credibility to say something. So, my formula is very easy for men and women, but this is more for men because it really works, the formula is 2, 3 and 5. Simple! Anything your wife says or your husband says, say yes dear! Just now I told him, you know could you put on your scarf so that you will go up on stage and you will be a part of it, and you will see the woman in you, and he said Yes dear! And he put it on. The 3 words is I am sorry - because when you are able to say I am sorry to your friend, to your parents, to your children, to the young - these are all signs of humility. You should say sorry to your husband as well. You are sorry not about yourself or about him but sorry that things did not work and let us try again. And the last word - 5 - what would that be, guess? I love you so much, so 2-3-5, it works in community for women and for men. Thank you very much.

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