Day 2

Gudrun Kochendorfer-Lucius
Director for Partnerships and Capacity Development, WBI

Leadership, coalition building and citizen empowerment is where women play a major role.

Ibu Zannuba Arifah Chafsoh Rahman
Director of Wahid Foundation Institute and Politician, Indonesia

Women know that the definition of wealth needs to be associated with better quality of life in all spheres. The thing that women have to learn is that nobody is going to give them power. You just have to take it.

Helen Diaz Page
Human Resources, World Bank, USA

Women working in development bring about a focus on the quality of life of their gender. This means women bring the fate of other women into the development equation to create the basis for the sustainability in any given country.

Josephine W Komara
Proprietor of Obin Batik

If you really want to understand the culture, you have to understand the textile, and through the culture you can understand the people. Earlier most of the clothes were done outside of Indonesia. In 1989, I was proud to be able to launch the first hand woven, hand spun and hand dyed cloth in Indonesia.

Jaina Desai

After this wonderful morning today we start with our Second Session of our Fourth International Women’s Conference Madhurya - Exploring the source of harmony within.

Mawahib Shaibani
Co-ordinator of UAE Women Empowerment Projects of Middle East and Iraq

Our life experiences have taught us that harmony is not anywhere outside but is within us.

Dr. Anita Gadhia-Smith
Author and Therapist, USA

There's an ongoing negotiation between managing freedom and responsibility. Finding balance in our lives is really the key, I think, to right living.

Rashmi Singh
Member, Mission Convergence, India

The integrated style of leadership is one which cancome from Madhurya (harmony) within us, and it is here that I would like to pay my tribute to what the Art of Living is doing to induce that in us, to lead to a transformational leadership.

Ibu Dr. Hj. Dewi Motik Pramono
President, National Council of Women's Organizations Indonesia

If all you ladies work together, the highest mountains you can move.

Filiz Odabas-Geldiay
The Executive Director of IAHV (International Association of Human Values)

The fruits of our actions will show the world that women are determined to overcome and excel in this journey. It will address some of the real challenges facing women globally and begin on a journey together to identify solutions.

Rajita Kulkarni
Asia-Pacific Advocacy and Training Director, Retail Asset Group, Citibank Board member, World Forum for Ethics in Business, India

Strengthening ethical leadership through connectedness, care and compassion, cosmology, commitment to contribute and courage. Spirituality will secularize religion, socialize business and liberalize politics.

Dr. Med. Ayu Bulantrsina Djelantik
Princess of Karangasem, Bali

Through detaching from every day problems werecognize the inner rhythms which are part of theoverarching rhythms of nature and we discover solutions.

Awihitia Mihaere
President Art of Living, New Zealand

The divinity that is procreation is infinity within eternity. This gives us our potential to exist.

Hema Hari
Conceptualizer, Bharat Gyan and Associate Director, Strategic Technology, Services and office of Innovaiton, CSC, India

It is not natural for both genders to be equal in everything and every role. It is complementary roles played by both men and women that will ensure natural peace, prosperity and progress for the family, society and civilization at large.

Cecilia Yang Angelini
Faculty, Art of Living, KoreaCecilia Yang Angelini
Faculty, Art of Living, Korea

From spirituality, I have gained the inner wealth and peace that money could not buy. Now I cannot even imagine what my life would have been without spirituality.

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