The inner climate can only bring the attitudinal change to work towards the external climate

24 Feb 2011 Turkey
Extracts of Gurudev's address at Climate Change Summit, IIT Chennai

“There are two types of climate change; one is the outer climate change and the other inner climate change. Inner climate change is for a person to be calm and cool even during times of stress and tension. When he is tense there is too much heat in his head, decisions go wrong and his actions could adversely impact his community and society”.

Climate has no borders. A Storm always begins in one state and attacks another state. The air doesn't see boundaries and similarly the ill effects of Climate Change also are not restricted to boundaries. The major cause for the failure of all global climate summits is the hot headed politicians. The inner climate can only bring the attitudinal change to work towards the external climate”

To read more about the initiative <Clich here>

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