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  1. Torchbearers of a Precious Practice: In conversation with Samir Jolly

    Samir, one of Art of Living’s most dynamic teachers has transformed the lives of many Naxalites apart from empowering rural youth through yoga, meditation and other uplifting Art of Living practices. Samir has been traveling extensively in smaller towns a ...
  2. Discovering A ‘New Me’

    In a quest to know more about life, Krishi Koellner, born and brought up in Hamburg, Germany ended up learning meditation 10 years ago. As an Art of Living Teacher, he now teaches meditation to thousands of people. Below he shares how meditation has been ...
  3. From One ‘WHY’ to Another ‘WHY’

    Vandna Aadesh, Art of Living Teacher Why do I need meditation? I am happy! Satisfied with my life, everything is going good, so what is the need to meditate? I used to ask myself. But who knew I would still end up on an Art of Living course and learn medi ...
  4. Meditation for a Travel Bug

    There are two kinds of people in this world. One, for whom traveling is a passion and a lot of fun. Exploring new places, tasting different foods, discovering new cultures – they are simply smitten by the travel bug! And then there’s another category of p ...
  5. How to reduce anger

    If you are troubled by the way your anger controls you rather than the other way around, there’s help at hand. But first, let’s get to know more about anger and its effects. What is anger? Anger is defined as “a normal, usually healthy, human emotion.” Af ...
  6. Meditation is not serious, seriously!

    “You’re not serious about this, are you?” The look, tone and expression on Divya’s face conveyed a singular message: “You’ve got to be kidding me.” Frustrated at not having a single moment to relax, Divya expected sympathy and understanding – not some out ...
  7. Did you know you could meditate here?

    Three most unusual situations where you can never think one could meditate! Caught up in a life-threatening situation under water or a war between two tribes – what would be the first thought on your mind if you happen to be confronted with any of these c ...
  8. Become the Writer You Aspire to Be

    You stare at the blank paper. Either nothing comes to the mind or there’s a traffic jam of thoughts and you just don’t know how to begin! Or sometimes you know what to write but the right words may not pop into the mind. Well, you’re not alone, even the b ...
  9. How to Enjoy this Festive Season More?

    A 10-letter word that can add a spark of excitement to your celebration. Make it your best friend this festive season and see yourself enjoy the festivities more and better. Christmas is round the corner – the time we all eagerly await the whole year. Tin ...
  10. Make Your Valentine’s Day Rocking

    “Should I buy her a precious ring or just settle in for flowers this time?” “Oh, I hope he likes this perfume or shall I buy him a music CD or perhaps plan a surprise for him?” Too many plans, too many thoughts in the head. But what to do? it’s Valentine’ ...