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  1. Lose Weight with Yoga

    Often we blame our genes for us being on the wrong side of the scale. Don't we? But try giving it a second thought and you see will see that there is a lot in our hands. This article gives you an insight to weight loss with yoga and for those who are ...
  2. 9 Yoga Tips to Overcome Anxiety disorder

    Relief from anxiety and stress is now only a yoga technique away! Stress, fear, anxiety – if we start counting all those instances in life when we experienced these emotions, we may just lose count! Anxiety about the result of a Board exam or the reaction ...
  3. Overpowering Asthma with yoga

    Your office colleagues have organized a football match and want you to be a part of it. It sounds like an interesting prospect but you decline to join them and instead support them from the stands.Similar situations have crossed your paths so many times a ...
  4. Spirituality at Workplace

    "Lack of spirituality more than religiosity is the root cause of corruption and scams. Nobody is corrupt with their own family. Corruption is happening because there is no sense of belonging. Spirituality enhances the sense of belongingness among peo ...
  5. Yoga for Health and Wellness

      Health is not a mere absence of disease. It is a dynamic expression of life – in terms of how joyful, loving and enthusiastic you are- Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar One who is stable and established in the self is healthy. That is to say that identifying ...
  6. Patanjali Yoga Sutras: Commentary by Sri Sri

    “In the East they say suffering is avoidable and not necessary. Life is bliss! You know why? This is because wisdom, yoga and meditation are ways to avoid suffering which has not yet come.” – Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar Yoga Sutras of Patanjali Sutra (in ...
  7. Yoga Pose Categories

      Standing Yoga Poses               Sitting Yoga Poses         Yoga Poses Lying on Stomach Yoga Poses Lying on Back Standing Sideways Bending One arm Sideways Bending Using Both arms Standing Spinal Twist Standing Forward Bend Standing Backward Bend Trian ...
  8. Yoga for Children

    Mountains tumbling into head stands, suddenly converting into speeding cycles. Bridges collapsing into roaring lions, cocooned caterpillars turning into beautiful butterflies. These amazing pictures are nothing but scenes from any normal household. Watch ...
  9. Basic tips to get started with yoga

    Get the best advice from Sri Sri Yoga experts who know How often do we figure a person doing the headstand against some picturesque backdrop and say ‘yoga is not for me’ You might want to revisit your thought once you go through the basic tips which yoga ...
  10. Benefits of Yoga

    Top 10 yoga benefits Weight loss, a strong and flexible body, glowing beautiful skin, peaceful mind, good health – whatever you may be looking for, yoga has it on offer. However, very often, yoga is only partially understood as being limited to asanas (yo ...
Founded in 1981 by Sri Sri Ravi Shankar,The Art of Living is an educational and humanitarian movement engaged in stress-management and service initiatives. Read More