Breathing Exercises

Abdominal Breathing: Your Belly Holds the Key to Healthy Lungs

Abdominal breathing, aka diaphragmatic breathing, not only improves your lung function, but it can also improve your overall health and well-being.

Denise Everheart
Diaphragmatic breathing

We rarely think of our lungs unless we struggle to catch our breath. And generally, we are unaware of whether we are breathing from our chest, the abdominal area, or somewhere in between. Breath awareness and breathing from your abdomen have real health benefitseverything from increased oxygen levels to lower stress. But how do you get started? 

Here’s how you can learn to breathe using your abdominal muscles and at the same time increase your awareness of breathing. Healthier lungs and a better life are just a breath away!

A rose by any other name

What do you call breathing from your abdomen? It is called belly breathing. You can also call it full yogic breath. And you can call it diaphragmatic breathing. Even box breathing uses abdominal muscles. Each one of these is a breathing technique that helps strengthen your lungs.

Health conditions helped by abdominal breathing

Deep breathing exercises are recommended by the American Lung Association and wellness professionals everywhere because they work! Here’s a partial list of benefits that come when you practice diaphragmatic breathing.

  • Lower anxiety
  • Reduced psychological stress
  • Improved asthma symptoms
  • Healthier blood pressure
  • Reduced depression
  • Less insomnia
  • Improved cardiovascular disease
  • Reduced chronic pain

Also, diaphragmatic breathing helps:

  • Lower the stress hormone cortisol
  • Improve core muscle stability

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

If you suffer from chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), you may be able to reap huge benefits from these breathing exercises. Improved respiratory function happens when you do a breathing exercise that isolates and strengthens the diaphragm. Practice a diaphragmatic breathing technique on a regular basis to see these improvements.

Practicing diaphragmatic breathing exercises

abdominal breathing

Though it may seem daunting to isolate and exercise your diaphragm, it is easier than you think. Your diaphragm is already working to some degree with every breath you take, now you just need to breathe fully with awareness. Here are the basic instructions for diaphragmatic breathing:

  1. Lie in a supine position, comfortable, on a flat surface. 
  2. Take a few deep breaths.
  3. Keep your shoulders, head, and neck relaxed.
  4. Put one hand on your upper chest and the other hand on your lower belly.
  5. Take a long, full, deep breath in through your nose and fill up your lungs completely.
  6. As the lungs get filled to their full capacity, your stomach moves upwards (outwards) and the sides of your waist expand while your hand gently rises. Your chest remains relatively still.
  7. Exhale slowly. The hand that is resting on your belly will gently come back to its original position as the diaphragm contracts.
  8. Repeat and continue these steps for 5-10 minutes daily.

Pro tip: On your exhalation, instead of breathing out through your nose, exhale through the mouth with pursed lips as if you have an invisible straw in your mouth.

Healthy lungs, healthy life

What else can improve your lungs and improve your life? SKY Breath Meditation is more than a breathing technique, and delivers benefits that far exceed your ordinary relaxation techniques. Here are just a few of the many benefits SKY practitioners, including myself, enjoy in daily life:

  1. Improved respiratory function
  2. Reduced stress (up to 78%)
  3. Enhanced deep sleep (3-4 times deeper)
  4. Improved immune system (33%) and overall health
  5. Greater mental focus
  6. Healthier blood pressure
  7. Significant decrease in depression and anxiety

100+ studies backup what millions worldwide have discovered.

Check it out for yourself by attending a FREE breath and meditation session with a certified instructor. You will also get to learn another breathing technique, bellows breath, that expands lung capacity and helps release toxins through the breath. Click on the image below to choose your preferred day and time. 

Beyond breath banner

You might also enjoy reading How to Breathe Better, Feel Better, and Live Better.

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