
The Seventh Chakra: Your Personal Guide Balance to the Crown Chakra

By Jade Doherty I Posted on : June 25, 2021

Feeling disconnected or separate? It could be your Crown Chakra or Sahasrar Chakra. Here is your personal guide to balance the seventh chakra.

In this Chakra Series, we've traveled from the root chakra, sacral chakra, navel chakra, heart chakra, throat chakra, third-eye chakra and now we are all the way up to the crown chakra, the culmination of our journey.

For the final post in our Chakra Series, we will explore the crown chakra, also known in Sanskrit as the Sahasrara chakra. This chakra is associated with bliss, enlightenment, pure consciousness, and divine love. This is the culmination of our journey, both in terms of these posts and the spiritual journey too. Once one brings their energy up to this chakra, they start to move into a different way of being, and awakening becomes available.

But what is a crown chakra?! How do I awaken it? And why does it matter? 

Let’s dive in and get some answers that may well transform how you feel on a daily basis.

We’ll cover the role of the crown chakra, and why it’s the final step on this chakra journey, leading to bliss. We’ll also look at how you can work with your crown chakra through yoga poses, meditation, and activities to awaken it and experience divine bliss and awakening.

What is a chakra?

Aside from the physical body, we also have a subtle, energetic body. Within it are pathways that flow with prana or life-force, and these converge at powerful energy centers, known as chakras. The seven primary chakras flow from the root (base of the spine) up to the crown chakra (top of the head).

Each chakra, or nerve center, is associated with particular qualities and emotions which are expressed in different ways. For example, for the seventh chakra, the quality associated is bliss.

For an overview of the whole chakra system, check out our Beginner’s Guide.

Crown chakra at a glance

Name in Sanskrit: Sahasrara meaning “thousand-petaled” 

Element: Cosmic energy

Location: The crown/top of your head

Qualities: Bliss

When the consciousness moves to the top of the head, then one experiences only bliss. There is nothing else. You no longer feel any duality, any sense of conflict or separation. You feel totally connected and one with everything. You feel so blissful.

When there is an imbalance, this happens

It's not quite accurate to say that the crown chakra can get imbalanced (or “blocked”). It's more accurate to say that this is the culmination of the spiritual journey, the reason that so many people practice yoga and meditation is to bring their consciousness and energy up to the crown chakra. Having a sense of spiritual connection, enlightenment, immersion in pure consciousness is the traditional goal of a spiritual practice. And when this happens, one experiences ultimate bliss! 

So what can you do to increase your sense of spiritual connection, consciousness, wisdom, and awaken the crown chakra?

...and breathe

How to Get Unstuck

The experience of oneness, wisdom, divine consciousness and bliss is what the spiritual journey aims at. For centuries yogis have worked to build their spiritual energy and awaken the crown chakra. So what can you do?:

Spiritual practice. Known in Sanskrit as sadhana, a consistent, well-guided spiritual practice will help you to awaken the crown chakra and experience the oneness and connection with the divine that comes with it. This is a delicate process that requires expertise and support, preferably under the guidance of a teacher, or spiritual guru. 

How to awaken the crown chakra—essential tools for life

Awakening the crown chakra is a beautiful and amazing experience. You have already had tastes of it. A sense of a mystical oneness that you can't explain, feeling connected to all that is, and the dropping of duality. Here are some practices for you to try, and engage your crown chakra.

  • Pick a pose

First step, yoga! Yoga poses are moving energy in your body, as well as preparing your body and mind for meditation. A holistic yoga practice, that is one including skillfully sequenced asana, pranayama, and meditation, will help to get your energy flowing through your crown chakra (and every other chakra too!). Do make sure to include Headstand (Sirsasana), Corpse Pose (Savasana).

Sri Sri Yoga is a holistic style of yoga, combining skillful asana, pranayama, and meditation. So if you’re looking for a practical style of yoga, rooted in ancient teachings and techniques, you’ll love Sri Sri Yoga!

  • Practice!

Spiritual practice will get you everywhere! There are many different types of practices you can engage in, from mantra repetition (japa), to meditation, to devotional practices known as bhakti yoga, to selfless service known as seva in Sanskrit. ,

  • Nourish yourself

Incense and smudging herbs can help to awaken your crown chakra, and detoxes or even fasting can be beneficial too (please check with your doctor before starting a detox or fast!).

  • Take a seat

Meditation. A foundational solution to (almost!) all our imbalances. When you find the right practice for you, meditation is naturally calming and restorative, creating a steadiness at your core. Try SKY Breath Meditation or Sahaj Samadhi Meditation or dive into a dedicated sacral chakra meditation.

When all seven chakras are balanced, harmony pervades, and with it, a powerful sense of well-being.

Begin your chakra healing journey with Secrets of the 7 Chakras. Join this free on-demand 7-day meditation journey to awaken, rebalance, and harmonize your energy. Guided by meditation master Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, it is an opportunity to dive deeper into the profound wisdom of the chakras and cleanse each one through meditation. Emerge deeply rested, relaxed, and with personal insight. Register for free here.


Jade Doherty is a freelance copywriter, meditator, and traveler, who is currently exploring Goa, India.