
How to Build Capacity to support yourself, your loved ones and more

Some of us are finding that our cups are half-empty. For some, they continue to leak. We may be struggling to keep afloat ourselves and at the same time being approached by friends and family who need help. A lot of us are running at full capacity.

The following meme is touted as one of the most relatable memes of this year:


So, how can we build our capacity back? Or keep filling our cups back:

• Food – This is about what we eat, how we eat, how much we eat, how many times, what times of the day we eat, how we cook, mind frame of the person who is cooking. If we pay attention to the above and eat our meals with a sense of gratitude, it will make a difference. Trust me and try it! The famous quote by Greek physician Hippocrates, “Let food be thy medicine, and let medicine be thy food” has stood the test of time.

• Sleep: Sleep brings to my mind an image of my kids sleeping blissfully. When did sleep become work? It used to come to us so effortlessly. You need to start preparing for sleep as soon as you wake up. It is important to get the morning sun so that your body can distinguish between night and day. This is my theory and experience. Some other tips that work for me:

  • Start winding down after 7 pm. Limited screen time, no stimulating activities, and exercises for the mind. No news!
  • A quick round of progressive muscle relaxation.
  • On days when my mind is racing, I lie in bed and do Ujjayi Breath.

Breath: This may sound strange as, without breath, we can't even be alive. However, there is a whole array of breathing patterns and exercises that are available to ensure that we are maximizing our lung capacity, using the breath as an important tool to get rid of toxins and stress. My personal favorites are alternate nostril breathing, Kapalbhati, and Bhramari. Collectively they are referred to as Pranayamas.

• Calm and Meditative State: How I wish this could come naturally to me. Nevertheless, we can strive to be in a calm state more often than less. I achieve this through bodywork such as Yoga, swimming, walks, spending time in nature, chanting, singing, or through meditation techniques.

When we pay attention to all these 4 sources of energy, we can create a life where we don’t just survive but thrive and flourish. We can potentially create energy bubbles around us that enable those with who we come in contact to also feel energized. Do note, all 4 sources work like the wheels of a car, so you drop one, and the car stalls.

To learn more about SKY Breath Meditation, Click Here

Contributed by Bhavana Gupta, Singapore